How often should I de-worm my chickens?

Look up on YouTube Lisa Steele she has a lot of info on herbs and things for chickens. Mine get garlic natural de wormer pepper. They get tumeric and cinnamon for influmation. They get oragano for health. I give them parsely for vitamins and there is literally tons of herb you can give them like red pepper to keep them warm and laying eggs. They say garlic gives the eggs a garlic taste but never had that happen. Look up Lisa Steele fresh eggs daily.
My chicks are 7 weeks and I havent de-wormed them yet, how do I de-worm them and how often should I de-worm the, also how do I know if my chicks have worms, and how do they get them?

You do not deworm your chickens unless you KNOW they have worms.

You know they have worms by taking a fecal sample (chicken poop) to the vet to check.

Chickens get worms by eating worm eggs, that hatch and grow inside them.

If the chickens do have worms, then you buy a de-worming medicine and follow the directions that come with it.

You can offer the chickens garlic, pumpkin seeds, herbs, and various other things--but for chickens that actually have worms, those don't work well enough. For chickens that are already fine, they will still be fine.

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