How often should i hold/play with chicks?

i hear ya there! mine are the same way!

They're funny little guys aren't they! My son just said mom chickens have the brain the size of a peanut! Maybe so but I think there pretty smart to know their names and come when you callem No food nessasary). Who'd of thought a chicken could be such a good pet! Not me thats for sure Im a pretty new chicken mom, somebody should have told me they were dumb before I started working with them and teaching them stuff LOL I would have known not to try! LOL OOPS too late now! Sandy
That's fun
Do they really come to their names? My boys just asked me about that today and I said I thought they would be tame enough to come up to you and follow you if you handle them and are nice to them when they are young but I didn't think they would actually answer to their name...
Mine do especially my little Roo Honeycomb! I had to prove it to my son and SO because they didn't believe me! They do now! Its so cool!
How the heck am I going to name 103 chicks?? And remember who is who? Not to mention 20 guineas next week.

Chick 1...chick 2...chick 3.... etc etc...chick 100...chick 102...chick 103...
That would be a problem! I have trouble with the kids (human) names. I have to go through all of them till I get to the right one so I can't imagine remembering all those names! LOL Wow thats alot of chicks!
I read that some hatcheries put a marker mark on the different breeds people order so I have marked the ones that come to me so I can "work on" the shy ones.Does this sound ok?my husband looked at me like I lost my mind cuz about 15 of my 37 have a green mark on the top of there head.I like to stick my hand in the brooder a couple times a day with food on it to let them get used t o me.It seems to be working maore and more run over to me and I've only had mine for 2 days now.
This is my 7 year old son....

This is my 4 year old son..MY 18 month old daught has feed them too.(with help!)
Your son is a real little cuties, and your chicks too! And that system seems like it would work great! I hadn't thought of doing something like that! But Ive only got two of each kind, except the Lt. Brahma (6) and the EEs (5) and they all look different so there easy to tell apart.
My little cuties love to be held and will run to my hand and hop on. My buff chanteclers will snuggle right in and fall asleep in my arms and my barred rocks love me to carry them in my hoodie pocket. Love my peeps!

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