How old are our new silkies?? Thoughts on gender??

TsaLaGi Acres

9 Years
Feb 4, 2010
We went to the poultry swap here yesterday and met a wonderful byc'r couple, purchased a beautiful pair of porcelain D'Uccles (who are now in the process of being spoiled rotten here in the house) from them and 10 sweetheart lil Coturnix quail and 40 eggs. Thank you UglyDucky is was such a great pleasure meeting you and your DH..I'm going to get pic's up of what we purchased from them soon. They are just super sweet birds all of them..actually you can see the pair with our silkies here in one of the pic's.
My question comes in here as to what age these 2 silkies are. We purchased them while at the swap and was told they were a pullet and roo pair and that they are supposed to be 4 months old. The larger one does this lil' "chuk chuk" and the smaller one says "sweet sweet" can you sex by sound?


We'll get pic's of the one we were told is the roo a little later today, but he's there behind lil' Cotton Top (supposed to be a hen). There is also Mercedes (pullet) and Cadillac Man our new Porcelain D'Uccles...

Even their crest is not completly feathered out, well they still have the lil' shafts over alot of their feathers I'll put it like that. How old do you think they are? Here is another of her...
Hi, I was there too
I bought Ugly Duck's splash wynadottes. when you first said you bought some silkies I thought Oh, gosh I hope they didn't buy those blacks. but then I saw you got the nice whites. I kept thinking about some but I'm getting some at waterloo at the end of the month. OK as far as age they are 4 months give or take a little.
Hi, I was there too
I bought Ugly Duck's splash wynadottes. when you first said you bought some silkies I thought Oh, gosh I hope they didn't buy those blacks. but then I saw you got the nice whites. I kept thinking about some but I'm getting some at waterloo at the end of the month. OK as far as age they are 4 months give or take a little. It is really hard to sex quality silkies until they are 6-7 months old some times you can tell sooner. you got some cuties.
I would guess your Silkies are between 3 and 4 months old. No idea on the sex. They need to be more erect and full face shots and then it is hard. They look pretty nice though.
Oh cool!! I wish we would of known would of liked to of met others from here too!! We got there quite early and was a bit cold by the time we left but we didnt see the black ones..
We are wanting to get a pair of blue Silkies tho' and a pair of the Americauna or Aracaunas and we'll be done with our flock ok I'm saying that and hoping we are done...prolly' not tho'
Thank you, the fella said they are SQ but it was still dark when we got them and got home with the 'female' and she's got 6 toes on both feet, is that a normal defect that happens?
You kinda have to watch some people at that swap. I know who you got them from, he buys and then resels at the same swap. I'm sure we were there at the same time, I got there at 5:30 and stayed till 9. are you going to waterloo at the end of the month? there is a guy there I have bought several birds from and he has very nice stock. I know he is going to be there, I have to return a cage to him. I bought my cuckoos from him.
It may be another month or more before you can tell the sex. Or the quality. There is no such thing as "SQ" chicks! And 6 toes?? Yes that is a big DQ, that bird cannot be shown and should not be bred. Sorry to hear you got ripped off. It is hard to trust people these days.
We didn't know there was one over in Waterloo, do you have the info for it? The fella you are talking about..does he have the Silkies? I guess we'll be in the market for another white pullet as we'd like to breed for chicks.

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