How old are these chicks


In the Brooder
6 Years
Apr 3, 2013

Im trying to figure out how old my chicks are that I got from TSC, can anybody give me any ideas. This pick was taken on March 27.

These are the ladies now. This pic was taken a few days ago.

Also, what are these two. Somebody asked me if the white one was a Lamona, but since they are pretty much extinct (I googled it) I don't think thats it.
In the first picture, they look to be a few days old, at the most a week.

I would say they are 8-9 weeks old now.

They mostly look like pullets but the Barred (Cochin?) in the middle of the second pic looks like a roo. He's gorgeous :)
In the first picture, they look to be a few days old, at the most a week.

I would say they are 8-9 weeks old now.

They mostly look like pullets but the Barred (Cochin?) in the middle of the second pic looks like a roo. He's gorgeous :)

A ROO!!! Hahaha, that's what my daughter has been saying. I got the big "I Told You". But how can that be, we got all of them at TSC and they said they only had females. I guess we will have to change her name from Lizzy to Darcy since she was the star of our Pemberley chicks.
Yeah, I always cringe when TSC chick days come around. It always seems that there's some sort of mix up with the breeds/ genders. I have seen roos in the red sex-link bins, too. I would NEVER buy from their st run bin. One shipmentof Barred Rocks TSC got looked like it was 3/4 roos :/
Well now that we have settled into the idea that we have a Roo, we are pretty happy with him. He is a lovely bird, and we wouldn't have chosen him if it wasn't for the mix up at TSC. He has always been the friendliest with my daughter who has been working with them to make them family pets since we brought them home. We now have Mr Darcy which rounds out our Pemberley Chicks quite nicely. TSC birds are kinda like finding out what gender your baby is after he/she is born, and not before with a sonogram. Always a suprise and still wonderful because you wanted them no matter what.

And what a beauty he is.

how old would you say these chicks are, first time mama showed up with them

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