How old before a Roo start romancing?


13 Years
Mar 17, 2010
I have a 10 week old roo. Not crowing. He is in with laying hens and two sisters his own age. They get picked on a little but no feather pulling or anything. I am just wondering when those hormones start to kick in? Will he crow first? Will the older ladies except him? When he gets to crowing he is going to have to leave.
I am just hoping to get some hatching eggs first.
It depends on the individual. I had a brahma roo (a late maturing breed) start romancing the girls at 10 weeks old. His brother was closer to 15 weeks old.
Younger roos with older hens can really get intimidated and picked on by the older hens. They have to earn their way to the top of the flock.

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