How old before they move to their stall in the barn?


In the Brooder
7 Years
Apr 28, 2012
I have two 3 week olds and eight 2 week what age should they be moved to the barn? I have them in my room in a plastic tote which they are quickly out growing! I have a stall in the barn set up for them to move into asap...I can easily install the heat lamp in the stall for them, its all fenced in with chicken wire and between my pony and goat stall, its about a 10x10 stall. How soon can I move them to the stall? The stall is wood all around so they really cant squeeze out anywhere. I would like to move them soon so they can have space to fly and grow, plus my room stinks! I keep them clean but they are still smelly little ladies.
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I'd move them. Chicks are a lot tougher than we think. Just watch them and the heat lamp. Make sure that heat lamp can't fall. I know of two people who lost barns with heat lamps. Make sure the birds can't fly up to it. How cold is it at night and how warm is it during the day? You may very well be able to only have the heat lamp on at night. Once they get comfortable in the stall you may be able to turn the heat lamp off if your nights are nice.
You could also pen off a smaller area of the stall to confine them and help cut down on drafts until they are older. Once they are 6 weeks old and fully feathered they will no longer need a heat source. I totally agree with the recommendation for heat lamps, make sure to tie it off with 2 separate hangers, not just one, and use chain or something non-meltable to secure them.

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