How old do chickens get before going broody?


8 Years
Jan 2, 2012
After asking around, most people said that Silkies, New Hampshires, and Cochins are the best brooders. I might end up getting some chicks from a hatchery. But, I need to know how old the hens get before going broody? I know that it is strictly up to the hen, but a rough number with some of your past experiences would be great. Thanks
A truly broody strain or breed can start just a week or two after they first begin laying
It really depends.

New Hampshires though aren't often known for going broody unless from heritage lines. (non-hatchery)

The reason Cochins and Silkies are said to be is because they're some of the few commonly found hatchery-source breeds that haven't had the trait bred out of them. Most common breeds can be VERY broody, moreso or equal to a Silkie, if you don't get them from hatchery originating stock
So in order to have a good broody Silkie, I should find one that isn't or wasn't in a hatchery?? Is that the same with Cochin or really any other breed?
Thank you! I will defiantly try and get a Silkie, that is, if my dad will allow another chicken
Cochins are good too. I have both and the cochin covers a LOT more eggs
My cochin went broody fast too. She laid a few eggs and decided she needed to me a mama.
Thankyou! I will also try and get a Cochin or more than one! Very helpful... Thanks again
My cochins are beautiful birds and they came from Mcmurray. They are the first birds people comment on. I have red, white and black. They have great personalities and are HUGE!
Buff orpingtons from cackle hatchery 5 out of 5 went broody after 15 months:D but 2 out of 5 Cochins :/did so some hatchery stuff are not all bad;)....................
and yes silkies are very broody sometimes three clutches if temps and moods are right:D

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