How old do cornish rocks need to be to butcher


10 Years
Apr 17, 2009
Central Illinois
Well the subject poses the question i decided that since i got chickens i might as well get some for meat and heard about these i got 4 at TSC and one died and i was wondering how big / what they look like when they are ready to get processed im new to this if anyone has pictures of their chickens before they butchered them please post them
feed 12hrs on 12hrs off(night) after week 2 so they don't over eat.
I think they will be about 70% of there live weight after processing.
process earlier for fryers and later for roasters.
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these are mine
I agree 8 weeks. I was told once that if you let them get over 12 weeks old their legs will buckle at the knees under their own weight. Then you are left with a nice fat fluffy doorstop. Poor critters.
I've not been withholding food yet because I have several ages mixed. How do I know if they overeat and what happens?
If they over eat they out grow there legs and/or organs.
If they out grow there legs they can't walk and have to be culled.
If they out grow there organs they die.
sometimes they just flop over dead anyway.
We are raising our first cornish rocks. Sunday my husband killed the first - at 6 weeks of age. However, the meat was very tough. Any ideas? Thanks!
Did you let them sit in the fridge loosely covered a couple days before you cooked or froze them? If you didn't, that may be the problem. We are butchering ours at 12 weeks and they are as tender and juicy as they can be. We stuff and roast ours. Yummm.

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