How old does a rooster need to be to be fertile?


In the Brooder
10 Years
May 31, 2009
St Tammany
My 17 week old Black Australorp has been jumping on top of my girls. Is it possible that some of the eggs may be fertile? Should I let one of the hens who is showing signs of going broody lay on the clutch? Is there any way to tell?
check a few of the eggs for fertility, crack a couple open and look for an enlarged white spot on the yellow part of the yolk. If you can ppost a few pics of the spot, lottsa folks on here can help you determine if it looks fertile. I think your roo is probably fertile at his age, but I'm not a roo expert!
Here are some pics.... All of them have a white dot on the yolk. Some look just white and others look like a donut?



Of the ones I could see, the first didnt look fertile, but the one before the last one (the 3rd pic, I think) looked fetile to me. Even with a roo, I think it is possible that not all eggs will be fertile. But I think you have a soon to be daddy roo!
If the rooster is strutting his stuff, crowing, and treading the girls regularly he is almost certainly packed with testosterone and very likely to fertilise.

I do agree that cracking a few open (especially if you are baking a cake) and using the excellent pictures provided would be a good idea,


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