How old is too old to eat?

I have too many ducks and would like to put them in the freezer- but many of them are 2 years old at least!
Are OLD ducks OK to eat or do I need to just keep feeding them.....
This is an old thread, which is not a problem. We revive old threads all the time, there can be some good information in them. But since you are interested in ducks specifically you might consider starting a new thread in this section with ducks in the title to get the attention of the people you want. Or put it in the ducks section.

I don't do ducks so I cannot give you any specific help, but hunters cook ducks of all ages, including old ducks without knowing how old they are. Obviously you can eat them. I just don't know how they prepare them.
I make gallons of stock every year for the freezer to use for making soups, stews, and bone broth. It's also great for use in recipes that call for "a flavorful liquid". I prefer older birds "laying hens past their prime" to use as a base. I brown them in the oven or under the broiler to add flavor and add carrots and onions to the pan to brown as well. Browning is the key.

Ducks should be browned as well and a lot of people reserve the rendered duck fat for use in other cooking projects. When I make turkey stock out of Thanksgiving leftovers I try to always add at least some scraps from a duck since to me the stock made from turkey alone is rather bland.

I hope this was helpful.

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