How old was your hen when she started to lay?

I have one BR that started at about 19wks.
I have one BR and one EE who are 22wks and not laying yet.
I have one RIR who is 21wks and just started squatting, but no eggs yet.
My Australorps are 16 or 17wks and not yet laying, haven't even started to grow wattles or comb.
Got our first (small oval reddish-brown) egg today, I suspect from one of our 2 RI Red girls. They are about 21 weeks old. Here's the egg next to a regular-size egg from my Cornish X:

I have RIR. 's. The first to lay was 17 weeks qnd the last to start laying was 27 weeks. All are from the same hatch.
3 CW 16 weeks
3 RIR- 16 weeks
It is now 28 weeks, and I still have 7 RIR, 3 EE's, and 2 CW's, and 4 SLW still not laying. I have no idea what is going on with them.
I have 8 RIR and one started laying at 20 weeks last Sunday. I am still waiting on the other 7. I got them all from the hatchery in the same mailing.

I also have 6 BR the same age.
1 Red Star - 19 wk
2 EEs - 20 wk and 22 wk

Still have not yet laying at 23 weeks:
1 Light Brahma
1 BA
1 Black Silkie
2 Blue Andalusians
2 EEs
1 SL Wyandotte

But I think someone started today!!
I have a mix of RIR, EE, BO, BR and a Golden Comet, all 22 weeks now. They all free range. The golden comet gives me an egg every day in the coop (started at 20 wks). I've gotten a couple of pullet eggs here and there in the coop and 2 in the cats bed on our deck, yes, the cats bed and that was from a BR. I'm having a hard time keeping track since they all free range. I think they've been laying somewhere on the property but its too woodsy around here for me to find them *sigh*. I try to keep them penned up so they'll do it in the coop but then I give in and let them out. Some little racoon is a very happy eater! I got a huge egg in the coop the other day laying right by the feeder like it just plopped out. It was larger than an extra large...looked like a goose egg. When we cracked it it had a double yoke, wow, what a surprise. I'm assuming it was from the BO but not sure. None like that since. I kept them all in the pen for about 3 days straight earlier this week but all i got was the one egg from the GC. How long should I keep them penned to get them to change their laying location?
Also, about a week ago there were 2 pullet eggs sitting on the floor of the coop next to each other. right under where the chickens roost. They both had very thin shells. Could they have both been from the same chicken? They were identical.
I have RIRs, all from the same hatch and had my first egg this week, at 19 wks 3 days. The second hen started to lay 2 days later.

I'm still waiting for the rest!

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