How old when you had your youngest child?

I had my last child at 40. I had my first at 30. They were all c-sections, the first was emergency section after 18 hours of labor because she became distressed. I tried to have the second naturally, but after 6 hours, another c-section. Then on my first ob/gyn appt with the last one, I said we are scheduling this one since the other 2 ended up sections.

I had no real problems with the last pregnancy, only a mild case of gestational diabetes, which was contolled by diet. I opted out of all the extra tests the Dr. recommended, just did the alpha fetal protien ,which was slightly elevated, but the ultrasound showed no problems. Didn't do an amnio or anything like that.

Having babies when your older helps keep you feeling young, I may look like my 5 yr.old's grandma, but I still feel like I'm in my thirties!

And I do get called grandma by strangers!
Gotta keep the gray hair colored.
I was 28 for my second. I think if you are prepared mentally than women can have babies at whatever age that they are comfortable in. The fact that we can grpw those little guys in our body, then get them out, proves that we have allt he physical strength when neccesary, I would think the hardest part would be mentally being prepared.

I found childbirth extremely empowering. I found pregnancy extremelmy cumbersome!
I was twenty-eight when Anne had our son and twenty-nine when she had our daughter exactly one year apart (same birthday). That feat/fait accompli took a lot of scheduling and timing on my part to accomplish, ... but she still got pregnant; it's not true that nursing mothers can't get pregnant.
I just want to say that the pregnancies and deliveries were a lot harder on me than what they were on Anne.
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I just want to say that the pregnancies and deliveries were a lot harder on me than what they were on Anne.

Careful...put the can opener away! Those worms should stay iin there!! HA!

but ohhh so true!!

I had my first baby at 23 I had my second at 24 then I had my third at 30..

My first was a scheduled C he was frank breach.. turned into an emergency C because my water broke at 36 weeks..

My second was a VBAC.... HORRIBLE never did that ever again.. She was only 6lb 8 oz (early too) but I tore to shreads.. 14 weeks to recover.. even then not fully... just enough to withstand the pain...

My third.. again a scheduled C but again I didnt make it to my date.. and was in labor for 21 hours.. Natural.. I have never been too excited about natural labor... Actually didnt want it at all.... but I was early and had to "prove" I was in labor to warent calling the doc in on a weekend for my C section.. anyway after two weeks of contractions came in at a 3cm two hours went by was at a 4cm the nurse said.. 1 cen in two hours is not enough to call the doc in.. lets see how you progress.. (mind you my contractions had been anywhere from 5-10 min apart for the last 2 weeks) ....anyway his head slipped off my cervix and I was laboring into my uterus.. but the my nurse didnt know this for some reason .. :mad: (most horrible pain) anyway sent me home.. I continued to labor 5-10 min apart the entire next 12 hours, after 3 hours of really hard contractions I figured I am for sure dialated more.. get there my final nurse checked me and again still at a 4.. I was almost so angry at her that it hadent changed I wanted to rip her head off. and it wasnt even her fault.. she just was the "messenger girl" anyway she was the one that figured it out and put me on this labor ball and he "poped" back into place (I did feel a pop and then a gush, but it was blood not water) I was checked again after 45 min on the ball and I had gone from a 4 to a 7.. then I went in for my C section.. I had no problem recovering.. I was "normal" within a week.. the trick with a c section for me was to not get the seditive near the ending of the surgery.. I was awake and aware and I took about half of the pain meds,, I healed very fast..
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I was 29 when I had my first child. I was gestational diabetic with her but, otherwise everything was fine and I worked (farm work) up until she was born. I had her with only the IV stuff to take the edge off.

I was just shy of 35 when I had my second child. She came a little over 3 weeks early or I would have been 35. I worked up until she came too. The pregancy was fine except for my RLS kicking in worse and I needed to wear the stockings for my vericose veins. I say to this day that she came early because she is impatient and didn't have enough room to strech out. I had her with nothing for pain. They also told me that if we were going to have anymore to come in sooner-we were already there before they say to be and she came 45 min-1 hour later!
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I agree! If I keep the gray colored and keep my weight down, I think I look and act much younger than I am. Also I teach art to teenagers and they keep me young! Its all about your attitude!
32 with my first and 36 with my second. I had great pregancy's However the doctors will scare you half to death if you over 35. The words " MATURE IN AGE " come up quite often . I would not have had them at an earlier age. I was able to quit work and stay home with them so waiting was well worth it.

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