How old???


The Great Guru of Yap
Premium Feather Member
11 Years
Aug 25, 2008
The Carpal Tunnel Rehab Center

I ask because we were told she was about 8 months old. However we have had her for 2 weeks and she hasn't layed an egg yet.
She looks very similar to my 19 week old Buff Orpington. Mine are not laying yet either. I would say about 17-19 weeks. How red is her comb?
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When I get home I will take a picture of mine that will be 20 weeks on 9/9. That way you can compare. I am anxiously wanting eggs too!
I go to the uploads at the top of the page...wait. I assume you have it downloaded already (?). I highlight the image url and then copy it and paste it into the body of the message.

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