How rumors get started

Thanks for sharing! What a great story.

Although yours beats any story I have, I won't feel so foolish when I talk to my chickens now. Hubby says I'm weird talking to them, but they're my girls and they feed me breakfast everyday.
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I thank the big girls for every egg they give me, and tell them how wonderful they are every night as I put them to bed. With the little ones things are on a more confrontational footing.
Funny story

An often heard conversation at our house is "Are you talking to me, because if you are, I can't hear what you are saying" and the reply is "No, I'm just talking to the dogs/cats."

As to the fact that you didn't reconize your own daughters voice - I would chalk it up to the fact that you had your head stuck into small box filled with chickens.

My neighbors all know that I am weird - I want to change the HOA covenants to allow chickens.
But they love me anyways - they know they would get fresh eggs if I succeed.

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