How soon can I eat them?

If you let them rest most of the day, I'd think the meat would have relaxed enough by this evening.
I went out this morning before first light and snatched them off the roost, and dispatched them immediately. I don't think they even knew what hit them. They were still pretty much asleep. That worked pretty well as it didn't disturb the rest of the flock.
Basically, you just need to rest long enough for them to be done with the rigor mortis state--so to be safe--a coupla hours. I processed my rabbits yesterday afternoon-got done at 2:30, put one in the fridge, and cooked it up at 5:30. Meat was falling off the bone.
I just did my first trial bird to make sure I had everything all lined up and good to go. I had heard that you put them in ice water for up to an hour to kill off any bacteria that might be lingering on the meat from any kind of accidental messes after they're fully cleaned up.

Anyways, it all went well enough, I think I might have overscalded it in the hot water a bit, the skin wasn't so pink when I finished. It looked minorly cooked. I only put it in for 90 seconds, dunking and removing. It hould still be fine right???

so new to this!!
According to McMurray Hatchery staff you need to soak them in ice water for about 4 hours after butchering.

We did a trial chicken that turned out to be inedible (tough, stringy) but after following McMurray's advise, our second chicken was fantastic. We also brined ours in 1/2cup salt and 1/2cup brown sugar for an hour and stuffed a bit of butter under the skin before roasting.
Wonderful results.
Do you keep them in ice water the whole time? My last couple of chicken I cooked immediately after killing and they were awful, even in chicken noodle soup!
I usually wait a full 24hrs, but some of this advise is pretty good - ice water for a few hours, then a good brine for an hour or so will probably do it. I would think it also depends on the age of the bird - the older, the more you may want to brine it

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