How soon can I


In the Brooder
Mar 2, 2015
East Texas
Tell if a supposed hen turns out to be a rooster? I purchased a dozen chicks from a reputable dealer here in Texas. She guaranteed they were all hens or she's replace them.

One of my Americauna girls is big. I mean MUCH larger than all my other birds.
2 Amer
2 Australorp
2 Buff Os
2 Golden Comet
2 Barred Rock

I'm comparing size of her body and feet! They're massive!
Any help on how early I can tell. She's definitely highest on pecking order. Runs the roost to say the lease.
How old are they? Sometimes you can tell at five weeks, sometimes it takes a lot longer.

Can you post photos of the culprit, I mean suspect. A head shot showing comb and wattles can be very helpful. A profile shot showing posture and a shot showing the legs. Heavy legs are not a good sign.

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