How tall can a standard brahma really get


In the Brooder
10 Years
Aug 23, 2009
Vernon, CNY
I seen a video on you tube of some standard brahmas in the UK and the man is saying they are almost 40in tall. Here,s the link
. Is this common with the light bramahs sold here in the states? These look like dark ones. I just bought some light standards from Ideal hatchery, can anyone tell me if mine will get this big? If not where can I get them that get this big? Those bramahs on the video are awsome
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The video link didn't work for me.
My light and buff brahmas from Ideal are not as big as my darks, also from Ideal. There's a big discrepancy in size of course because they are hatchery stock.
We've never actually measured my dark brahma roo's height. He weighs 13+ lbs. and comes up past my knee (I'm 5' 7").
To get the consistently large size you would need to find a private breeder, IMO.
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I fixed the link and tested it. It now works
Thanks for your helpfull info
Okay, my dark roo doesn't stand quite that tall. Neither did the light roo I used to have, that was also from Ideal.

Here is my dark brahma roo, Thor:


Funny thing is, Thor does give me "stinkeye" just like the dark roo in the video was giving the camera.
Note: Thor is not considered full grown because he's only 17 months old and a brahma is not considered full grown until two years old. He keeps growing and growing and....
I,m all new to raising chickens and me and my kids just can't wait to get them. I read your rooster info on your site link. Its great info!!! I would have never imagined they could have such personalities and be so interactive with each other not to mention people. Thanks so much for all your help, I hope my roos are as nice as yours. He is awsome

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