How tall of fence?


11 Years
Mar 24, 2008
Maggie Valley, NC
My babies are in a hutch and I want them to be able to be out in the grass all day and i would put them in at night but the only thing i would have for them is a chainling fence about 5 ft. high. Is this a okay fence? i have 2 dogs but i've yelled at them enough to let them know they can't come around them. BUt back to my point i am away from them right now but in 2 weeks they'll be 18-19 bweeks old, could they fly over 5 ft? and will they? its a big grass area and ideal we take them out for exercise but i want them out more.
They really shouldn't be able to fly over a 5 ft fence, but they might try to go UNDER it. Mine are notorious for digging holes just when I'm ready to pick cantaloupe or watermelon. :mad:
Depending on the breed of chickens you have. Heavy breeds will find it almost impossible to fly over a 5 ft fence. Lots of my chickens can fly over our 4 ft fence. You can also clip the wings on the birds. Mine don't go under, but there are some gaps at the gates that they squeeze thru if they really try. At least the smaller breeds will. I would think they would be ok to be outside.
they are Barred Rocks....its a chaniling so i know they can stick their head out.... so i know the dogs are around btu i think they now know to stay away from them!
Barred Rocks - 5 ft.
Clip their wings.

Then be surprised when one of them is atop the fence post, looking at you. Been there, done that.
I agree with this 100% ! I clipped my BR hens wings one time a while back and went out to check on them in the run and she had figured out that she could still fly lol! She was flying up to the perches and them jumping out! Smart hen!!! lol
yup. i would say you should just cover the top with some kind of netting. they can and they will fly over the fence. My birds are now 6 Months old and they can fly way up in trees and on top of our barn.
My Cornish X can't make it over a 3-ft fence however my RSLs (ONE especially) can make it over 5-ft easily if they want to. They're in chain link too and are good in it. I gave up trying to keep them "roof-less" and now have a blue tarp over half their area and old window screens over the rest.

Funny thing now is, sometimes I find them in the yard even though I put them in for the night...augh!

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