how to add a new chick to an existing batch


6 Years
Sep 21, 2013
I currently have 3 buff orphington chicks that are about 2 weeks old. I would like to add a cochin chick to my batch. Any tips or how to`s would be appreciated!
What I did in the past (and did work btw lol) was I got a smaller guinea pig sized cage and put the new babies in it (food and water obviously) and set that cage into the existing hens coop. This was only for a short time period each day. And I gradually increased the time "exposure" to the adults. Slowly but surely the adults got used to the newbies. However, they were of adolescent stage by the time I felt they were ready to be introduced without need of a seperate cage.
Im sure there are other ways that work good too. This is just the method that I tried and worked for me. Thankfully! :)
OK,I might be able to use some chicken wire to block it off from the other chicks but for it to be able to get food and water. These are my chicks.
OK,I'll try chicken wire to block it off from the other chicks but for it to be able to get food and water. These are my chicks.
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Oops, its so confusing!!! Trying to fix stuff! I posted something then I hit the back button and it posted something else. Pay attention to my second post
Ya, I had separate feed and water because mine were hen age that I was trying to introduce the newbies. It was a challenge.

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