I know something went wrong, I'm just not sure what.
It was my first hatch with a FI 4200, fan and turner. Dry hatch, humidity at 30-40% without water, added a wet sponge at lockdown, removed turner, placed eggs in egg cartons with bottoms cut out, kept humidity around 70% after day 18. Temps were pretty steady at 99.5-100.5 with 2 different thermometers that I trust, the built in one was off but the humidity measurements were on spot with another one.
Shipped eggs and home collected. Eggs were all less than a week old, with home eggs only being a day or two. There were a few early quitters, around days 10-14. Two really early, one home, one shipped.
Two chicks, from shipped eggs, had absorbed their yolks, the rest of the eggs seemed to have quit right before that point. They didn't appear to be shrink wrapped.
Any ideas or suggestions on what we might need to do to avoid this? We have more eggs coming, probably today. They will set and rest and then we will be setting them. I'm going to clean the incubator and let it rest and air out.
I feel like we did everything 'by the book' and I don't understand what could have gone wrong. I added home eggs with the shipped eggs to use as controls since I've heard shipped eggs can have a lower hatch rate but obviously what ever went wrong effected both.
It was my first hatch with a FI 4200, fan and turner. Dry hatch, humidity at 30-40% without water, added a wet sponge at lockdown, removed turner, placed eggs in egg cartons with bottoms cut out, kept humidity around 70% after day 18. Temps were pretty steady at 99.5-100.5 with 2 different thermometers that I trust, the built in one was off but the humidity measurements were on spot with another one.
Shipped eggs and home collected. Eggs were all less than a week old, with home eggs only being a day or two. There were a few early quitters, around days 10-14. Two really early, one home, one shipped.
Two chicks, from shipped eggs, had absorbed their yolks, the rest of the eggs seemed to have quit right before that point. They didn't appear to be shrink wrapped.
Any ideas or suggestions on what we might need to do to avoid this? We have more eggs coming, probably today. They will set and rest and then we will be setting them. I'm going to clean the incubator and let it rest and air out.
I feel like we did everything 'by the book' and I don't understand what could have gone wrong. I added home eggs with the shipped eggs to use as controls since I've heard shipped eggs can have a lower hatch rate but obviously what ever went wrong effected both.