How to build a pro-clean coop?


Simply Stated
10 Years
Feb 3, 2009
Hope Mills, NC
I am building my coop this summer! I have the floor finished today. It is covered with vinyl, and on a sturdy frame. The coop is square, so of course 4 corners. I am wanting a coop that is easy to clean. I am willing to do extra work now, so I can save time every month when I clean the coop.

Vinyl floor saves time, I learned that already.

Large doors where you can just pull out the bedding.

Hanging feeder and water (hanging water splashing too much?)

Any other tips? I was wanting to make rounded corners so crud doesn't get stuck there, but I don't have resources for that. I was going to paint it inside too.
Some folks put in roosts that are held in place with large hooks and eyes, slanted to the floor like a ladder, which can be lifted up and even removed when cleaning the coop. Others make the roost all one even height so there is not fighting to take the "top" spot.

If the roosts are positioned near a window, the chickens have a view and receive more sunlight, which is good for egg production.
My coop is small. The ladder routine won't work since at it's peak it's 4' The roost is 2' high. I was considering doing a roost that can be lifted out and switched with another roost until the first one can be scrubbed.

VERY good advice though
Rounded corners really arent that hard...just plywood with strips cut on the backside of it deep enough to let it bend:>)
(not that I've ever done it before haha!) But I am considering a vinyl floor soon!
I like for my roosts AT LEAST 20". This way if they get spooked or when they are jumping up they don't get hurt. Cauking the corners might actually work!
I don't think I would worry to much about rounding the corners. Not too much seems to accumulate in the corners. Rather, I find that my birds manage to somehow get poop all over the walls! Therefore, like you said, give the walls a good painting with exterior grade semi-gloss or gloss paint. That will help with clean up.
You may want to consider using the deep litter method (it CAN be used with vinyl flooring) - do a search here on BYC.

As far as the waterer, do a search for PVC feeders and waterers. You can hang them in the corner where they'll take up NO floor space and they're easy and inexpensive to make yourself!

Have fun!

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