How to build up chicks resistance to diseases from their day of hatching

Ok thank you for the quick reply I emptied all the water out the humidity is still reading at 78 but hopefully I will go down soon, I don't actually know..
there appears to be a fan at the top of the machine above the eggs, I feel so stupid now I should have invested in a better one the guy had good feedback so I assumed it was a legit unit, only good thing so far is it has an accurate temp reading to .01° and it reliably turns the eggs every hour and a half, but a broody hen would have done that for me too
my 2 hens are very skitttish and bullies to smaller birds so I didn't want them to hatch them and pass on any bad habits to the babies

Probably not the bator, they need a day or two sometimes to get steady and hold a good temp. LG gave you some great advice.
Ok I gave it a read, I think it's a fan bator now I placed a thermometer above and below the eggs and it read the same as the bators reading so it's fine in that regard, and humidity has dropped down to 50 :) and is still dropping ever so slightly, the temperature dipped a lot when I opened it up to remove the water its slowly creeping back up to 37.9 but I will set it to 37.7 which would would be 99.86F, now that everythings set up properly will the eggs still be ok? They were in the bator for about 10 hours with that high humidity
Oh ok great thanks I wasn't sure if during the later stages of development they might be able to hear the barking and it would stress then, ik obviously when they hatch to keep noise at a minimum before they're ready to be transferred over to the brooder
I know my chicks took about 2 full days for everyone to hatch and dry up to be moved to the brooder and they were REALLY NOISY! Be prepared for a few nights of no sleep if you have them in your room lol. I had mine in a large closet/office space downstairs and I heard them chirping upstairs in my bedroom... they are surprisingly loud.
Ah ok hadn't thought of that! I had planned on putting them outside in the shed beside my hens coop (it's nice and insulated so they will be cosy) but if they're noisy for the first few days then il keep them in my room, I have neighbours close by so it might annoy them, how many days does it take for them to get slightly quieter enough that it wouldn't bother neighbours? My girls only really make noise when they lay
Just noisy in the incubator until you take them out. Once they are comfortable with a heating plate or lamp they're pretty quiet... loud chirps mean something is wrong... usually too cold. I just couldn't imagine sleeping with them in my room while hatching.
Grown chickens are noisy, even hens. I have a few that announce to the entire neighborhood everytime they lay an egg. Have you checked you're allowed to have them where you are?
Ah ok not too bad then, yeah they're allowed my neighbours have never complained my granda actually kept a donkey here a few years back lol , I'm just concerned if I ever get any new neighbours at some point and they turn out to be unfriendly, I'd love to live rural where I could keep roosters goats peacocks etc, myb some day :) I think il try keeping the chicks in my room for their first week until they outgrow their container then they can go in the proper brooder in the shed, hopefully being in my room with me at the start will get them well accustomed with me and be very friendly when they grow up
I don't how I missed you you already have hens, babies are nothing compared to them. I brood in my basement until they are feathered and hardly hear a peep. You're good! I was so worried when I got roosters (even though I'm allowed, it's rural here too) but most of my neighbors came over excited because they love the crow! Hoping anyone new feels out numbered lol. ;)
Aww xD that's awesome :) Im not sure if Im allowed roosters here but I don't keep them anyway it wouldn't be fair on the neighbours, luckily the man my uncle works for owns an orchard with about 59 chickens living in it and he said he'd take any roos that hatch
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