How to caponize a rooster Warning Graphic pics

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Pleas excuse my dumbness on this subject, this is the first time ive heard of it...

So the procedure is for castrating the rooster?
Or is it some gland near the testicles?
he wont be able to reproduce afterwards?
is this to make them fatten up better for butcher?

sorry so many questions.
Yes, no, yes, sort-of

Yes, it is a procedure for removing the testicles from a young, male chick.

Once this is done he is infertile and will not develop rooster characteristics.

The point is to make a bird that can grow to a very large size without becoming tough and strong-tasting. The goal was a heavy roaster. Since the Cornish X birds now fill that niche -- growing far faster than other breeds -- capons are less desirable now since they still take the same amount of time to grow to the large size and thus eat more food along the way.
Whoops.. sorry. I posted a reply but screwed it up and only got the quote. What I was saying is that when I was a kid, my grandpa did caponizing. He would sell them as big birds, but they did get BIG. Maybe the breeding over the years, I don't know, but I remember going with him to sell some and they were as big as turkeys. I have his coponizing tools and am very interested. He also used them for broody hens. It is very fascinating to me. does anyone sell capons?
This is definitely something I would like to try someday... I tried on some of our boys (after we killed them!) to see if I thought I could handle it. Mentally and emotionally I can do it, but I feel like I botched it so badly I would hate myself forever if the bird had been alive and I had inflicted that much damage on it. Maybe its easier at a younger age? I don't have the right tools, either, but that can't change it too much, I think. But to any who are considering this, I would suggest practicing while processing. It puts it in perspective since you are not causing pain, have no time limit, and are not risking a life you can really evaluate if you can do it. And you can do it all before you invest in tools.
What is a slip? Is that where you caponized but didn't get all the testes out?

When I was young(er)
one of my favorite memories is of Grandma making capon for Sunday dinner. At the time I had no idea what it was! But I do remember it being very tender and mild-tasting. For Grandma this was a HUGE event so they must have been hard to find/expensive even back then. I haven't tried caponizing any of mine but maybe this summer I'll give it a try. Appreciate the pics!
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