How to caponize a rooster Warning Graphic pics

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First off - I have not read all the responses after the first page or two.

You used to be able to get capons here, in the UK - but not any more. The practise of caponising male birds has been banned. We didn't use your method though. Capons here were created by the use of hormone implants. It was recognised as being an unsafe practise and no longer done. You cannot get capons here any more.

Now - to your method of caponisation.......................

I am horrified that a surgical proceedure is being done without anaesthetic or proper sterilising, by an unqualified person.

No doubt most of you will be rushing to tell me how 'easy' or 'right' or 'essential' it is to do it this way.

It isn't.

If you did anything like that here in the UK you would face a jail term, a large fine, and would be banned from keeping animals for life.
Hi Capon Enthusiasts

Its almost Christmas and I just put one of my capons into the fattening pen. I will report after on how it turned out. This is the first one I will eat out of the 25 I caponized this summer.
The grizzly one is half barred rock and half marans about 9 months old. the others are three barnevelder capons about 6 months old Andy


I have discovered that you can indeed PURCHASE capons in the UK. They are available from most reputable butchers.

If the practice is illegal in the UK, then what are these butchers selling as capons?
I suggest you look at this site: Particularly this bit:

It has been almost 40 years since caponizing was banned; chicken breeders then took on the challenge to develop a bird that would fill the void left and succeeded! Although slow grown we can now produce birds of 4 - 6.5kgs (8-14lbs) oven ready for Christmas. Chicken with taste.

As it says there - capons here in the Uk are large chickens. We no longer caponise.

In any case, the issue is not whether or not we sell / use capons here. The issue is that this thread is promoting animal cruelty.​
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