How to care for homing pigeons

Pigeon shouldn't be kept that way, but they thrive in cozy conditions (2' squared), like Lil cave crevice caves or "pigeon holes" how they've been bred for thousands of years successfully in many breeds, better when released to fly daily. I find mine do better in bigger rabbit cages as breeders (36" x30" x16") but best with pair and at time two sets of young in three to four foot square cages have had in. They eat berries greens insects etc even, as I've seen pet and wild ones eat these on own out n about and in yards. I've even seen pet pigeons of others not cared for who go out n eat road kill.
My hens healthy, sex separated, not knowing better and want mates, all extremely common supposedly to pair same sex. Actually many animals especially birds do this even when presented with opposite sex, why I do not know.
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