How to cheer up my dogs (and me)

Oncoming Storm

Jun 3, 2019
So, I know I’ve been pretty active as of late. Mostly about random things and such, but now I have a question that I really need help. I want to nip this in the butt now in case it gets worse.....I’m worried about my dogs. Meko is my only house dog now...His brother Buddie, who I have spoken very highly of if any of you saw that forum, was hit by my neighbor and died as a result of his injuries this past Friday evening. Luckily I was not home as it was a very bloody scene...My household is heartbroken. Meko was never very fond of Buddie and would often try to get him in trouble. But it’s kind of a love-hate relationship between the two. Meko is not what I’d call devastated unlike the rest of the family, but he seems off. Maybe it’s just because he’s not used to having the house to himself or what, but he’s quieter. When the door opens, he watches as if waiting. He still gets excited and plays but every once and a while, he’ll sniff Buddie’s jacket that I’ve put on an old stuffed dog because I’m lonely. He trots around the house as if he’s casually looking for something. He doesn’t jump around when someone comes to the door and we haven’t had to fill up his food bowl in three days. He’s still drinking, but I haven’t seen him eat. When he curls up, he seems down. It’s strange. He’s very hard to read. Max and Rose, my livestock guardians know somethings up. At our “funeral”, the pups were howling from the barn. When they’re in the pen, they run up to me almost desperate like they want to know where he is. They loved Buddie and worshipped him despite being three times his weight. I don’t know...I just want to know if there’s a way I can cheer Meko up and calm down the big dogs.
So here’s a little update. I think Meko’s starting to realize and/or understand what’s going on. Just this evening, he crawled under the blanket and sniffed around. Then he jumped up on the couch and looked around the living room and just...whimpered before curling up. I think he was looking for Buddie...
Meko probably never disliked Buddie, probably there was a household dynamic that's been wrecked now that poor Buddie is gone. I bet Meko actually misses Buddie.
It seems that way. He seemed to get a little worse every day, but hopefully the new pup will cheer him up (my dad and I really wanted another dog since our family dynamic is all messed up) Meko seems to enjoy his company seeing as he completely ignores us and stares at Oliver. They even played a little.

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