How to decide??


Mad Scientist
14 Years
Jun 1, 2008
Ok, so I am not even sure this is in the right forum...but here goes. I need to decide who to share my rare breeds with just in case something ever happens, i.e. predator, disaster, etc. so I can replenish my birds. I would prefer some to be close by enough I can drive to get eggs. I don't know anyone that has chickens. I know the type of person(s) I want, but how do I find them? I need people with secure pens that dont' take in birds (good biohazard practice) and are nice to deal with that don't want to be in it for the money. A show family would work too. I don't want to put all my eggs in one to speak. I can't just give them away either, and the money really isn't the point but I want to make sure the people I choose can afford to take care of them too. I know WHAT I want, but how do I find it?

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