How to deter hawks?

When hawks have a harder time making kill, it makes it easier for you to provide protection and allow free-ranging. It does not happen very often, but when a hawk latches on to a hen, the time required for hawk to dispatch hen allows more than enough time for rooster or dog to bust up hawks plans.
We have sea eagles and swamp harriers on constant watch over my chooks. Ever since I put a pony and a goat in the run the big birds won't come in to land. I think it is as you said , just the presence of a larger animal. Although I have seen wedge tail eagles dive bombing sheep.
P.S if you go into my profile I have pics of the goat, the pony and the eagle. Can't work out how to attach them to the thread from iPad.
could you try fencing in an area instead of free ranging? Then cover the top with deer netting to keep hawks out. I've heard they will not fly thru it because they risk damaging their wings. A hawk that can't fly isn't going to do very well on foot. Hawks hunt by day so I don't believe Nite gard would be of any use. They wouldn't be as likely to notice a red light in daylight. It might work on owls but you chickens would probably be back in the coop before dark.
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I have purchased nite guards and they work great, but I thought they only work at night. So I would like to know if they also work during the day, I have them hanging low for racoons and such. My chickens are in at night, something cool I purchased for free range chickens is a dawn to dusk solar coop door. I love it, I don't have to worry about getting home in time to close the coop! I lost two hens before I got the door because I was late to get home, about 1 hr after dusk and the coon got them both.

I just chased away a small hawk from my yard today also, I don't think he could do much harm but I didn't know for sure. Didn't want him handing around, my trees I planted are still small and right now have no leaves for cover. I am hoping he doesn't come back. There is a redtail in the area, I have watched his flight pattern and I am not in his territory, but my neighbors 2 doors down are at the edge of where he circles, they don't free range.
I have also lost hens to Hawks. I have a 20 by 30 space fenced off in my back yard I used the yellow tape used at crime scenes and construction crews and strung it every 2 feet back and forth at the top of fence, it flaps in the breeze and Hawks are afraid of getting wings hung in it so they have give up so wife says it looks likes a redneck solution but if it works I don't care.

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