How to dispose of dead chicks?

BURN ANY CHICK OR CHICKEN THAT DIES....dont have the heart for that take them to your local woods far far away and feed the wildlife. In buying them you are risking other chickens health that might decide to scratch in that area-bodily fluids will leak...contaminate the ground. If you are citified and cant burn...wrap really well and you can freeze till trash day...then put in the trash the day of pickup b4 they thaw (smelly).
We have hundreds of chicks most of the time some just die..ours just get tossed into the burn garbage non last words.Well,sometimes that depends on the bird I lost
Usually if its a sick bird that dies or a chick,it gets wrapped in a plastic bag or a box and jettisoned into the ceremony. But if its one that dies naturally or by way of the axe,then me and the girls thank it for the work its given us,the life and/or eggs,and for the meat.

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