How to dispose of old medicated chick starter crumbles?


In the Brooder
9 Years
Jun 22, 2010
My Coop
My Coop
I haven't found a post on this, so I'm hoping someone can chime in. I have about a third of a bag (maybe 10 lbs.) of medicated chick starter from early last Spring. I certainly won't be using any of that again before next year, and I didn't feel it would stay fresh enough to save. I tried to advertise locally to give it to someone who might need it, but wasn't successful. So here it sits. If it were unmedicated I wouldn't feel bad about dumping it in the woods on my property for the birds/deer/whatever to eat (and no, it wouldn't be anywhere near the coop), but because it's medicated I'm concerned it would do harm. Would anyone like to share an opinion about this? How old is too old for starter crumbles, and should I just put it in the trash? Thanks.
Hi, BayBay Peepers -- Thank you for the suggestion. This year's new flock members have LONG since been off of the medicated feed, so it wouldn't be good for them to have it again. I took them off of it at 10 weeks, I think (or whatever the bag said), and they are all at the point of starting to lay now. I probably did mix it in with the grower/finisher for a while, but I really bought too large a bag for the small number of birds I had. That's why I hoped to pass it along to someone else who was raising in the area. I guess it was just too late in the season, tho'. :)
Okay, Collingwood -- that feed will be on the next plane to Australia!

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