How to "Do the Deed"?


In the Brooder
9 Years
Apr 12, 2010
Hampton, VA
No, not that deed! lol

I mean, dispatching. The roo's going into the pot, and I have no idea how to go about this. (Nor am I sure I really want to, but that's beside the point.)

Any advice for a first time chicken culler?

If you look in the Index, in the blue bar above, there is a section about Meat Birds. Go there, read the sticky notes and ask again there if you don't find the answer.
We have a traffic cone that we hook to a wood picnic table that has been modified to be tall enough for the guys to be comfortable. We then pop the bird in upside down, and DH uses a very sharp kitchen knife. I think if I was going to do it I would use my garden shears. We also skin the birds. I have learned that if you freeze any of the meat that it is easier to use it if you de-bone the meat. I just watched the Jack Pepin de-bone a chicken on You Tube. All the info at the top of Meat Birds will fill in the rest.
Just happen to be surfing you tube the other night about this very topic...and was cracking up at the PETA approved method...pretty much a chicken gas chamber...but the video was a riot and I thought, now there is a method I could do...basically put the chicken to sleep until it never wakes up again...BUT who wants all those chemicals on/in their meat??? I'm not sure how that really works, I'd be a bit leary about eating something that was gassed to death...??? Not really sure why PETA approves it as a 'humane way to kill'??? But they do, I contacted them myself to see if the you tube video was telling the truth...

I want to get a load of meat birds for my family, but I can't until I muster up the nerve to whack them...or arrange for someone else to do it...or find a butcher that handles it all for $2 a bird...
Once I sort that out, I will order some meat birds.

There is someone about 100 miles away that will do it for $6 per bird, but I would have to drive 200 round trip to drop the birds off and then 200 round trip the next day to pick them up...seems like it's going againts the whole point for me...avoiding all the traveling of foods (eating local, etc) organic, free range, save money, etc...if I were going to do that, I might as well just buy my chicken meat at the market and aim for organic chicken hoping for the best out come on the environment... post makes me sound like an environmental crazed person...LOL...simply concerned and attempting to do my part where I can.
I didn't realize you couldn't use the word I used above...sorry!
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