How to ease arthritis?

How about DMSO, I use it for fibromyalgia, it is great and also used on Race Horses so why not a duck? I mix mine with Sweet Basil and Aloe Vera Gel to make it easier to apply.
Not enough, she was also on antibiotics and then we finally opted for surgery. Originally I found someone on BYC using DSMO for bumblefoot on their chicken and so I tried it but it wasn't getting it. When I told the vet about the DSMO she wanted me to continue with it so I know that at least it doesn't hurt. She wanted me to make sure the foot was really clean before I put it on or it might carry bacteria into the tissue. Then I dipped a Q-tip into the DSMO and spread it on the foot.
How do you use it Lydia?
I've got Rheumatoid Arthritis. Didn't see any improvement with Glucosamine/Chondroitin. Tylenol helps some. Whisky is good.

I'd consider a "Body Transplant" ....OR ..if that is not available...I'd settle for a "Brain-Transplant".

I also use MSM and so does my friend for her dog. It is an amino acid so it will not hurt them, and I am pretty sure that your body just flushes out what it doesn't use so you can't over due.
A good source for it in bulk form is they also give a fair amount of info about each of their products. I think you can get something like a 2 pound bag for less than $30. including the shipping.

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