how to find guinea nests

justin shrew

8 Years
Nov 19, 2013
cape town,South africa
Hi everyone im new M. im struggling at finding guinea nests, our guineas forange far away and lay eggs in hidden spots, sometimes we may find some feathers with no sign of a hen, i' real don't know where to start asking questions about nesting, plz help
Guinea fowl retain strong 'wild' characteristics and are great at hiding their nests if allowed free range. I'm not sure what to say other than keep looking in the thickest of spots. As you already know they love to hide.
sometimes its a hard a work to follow guineas around and around all day long looking for their nests, and finally you got nothing, but what i' can say is, a nest is usually a generally hidden spot,in thick grass,bushe's,or other tall vegetation that may provide a good cover, its a depression scrap on the ground lined with grass or unlined, if your guineas are cooped let them out in the early noon if they don't lay in the coop, as you open the coop you may notice that females are always in rush,follow her but following guineas isn't easy, you need to be very snaeky like a fox, make sure she don't she you following her,but locking her in the coop until she lay her egg is a good idea, lock her every day ar 6 days, and let her out until she lay an egg, as she lays in the coop she may forget her old nest, i' wish you a luck"
thanks guys" don't know where did we went wrong, our guineas were raised by a chicken hen who joined a guineahen to brood the clutch,but the guinea hen get killed by something we never knew. so the hen was moved to a safe coop, she raised them very well, they are biggg like her, an now some of them are laying in the barn, others outside, the question i' asked' so now one of the guineahen is sitting on chicken eggs, what will happen when chicks hatch, won't she perch them thinking they are not hers, or should i' break her or give her some new guinea egg, but giving her some new may cause her to abaondon them because she may lose interest of brooding non hatching eggs, what to do with the hen and eggs?
we all have problems, you may know i' may not, i' may know you may not.ok guys i' real need some some help, this guinea is almost 16 days now, and im realy wondering
I know nothing about guineas but, if you check out the "Other Backyard Poultry" forum on here, they do have guinea threads. People raising them could give you the best advice.
I am new at this but I follow my guineas on the weekend. If you feed in the morning follow them afterwards and if you get close to a nest, our males jump up and make sounds trying to be a distraction and the females will make a consecutive chirping/humming sound that is really recognizable

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