How to get a hen to brooder?


Feb 20, 2016
I have 4 18 month old hens. I just got them 2 days ago. The original owner pulled the eggs everyday. I was looking to let them brooder the first ones. They laid 4 eggs yesterday but the hens won't sit on them. Is there a way I can teach them to brooder or is it easier to get an incubator?
A broody hen is broody because she has had a change in hormones causing her to do so. It is a matter of genetics and a small amount of luck not training. Some breeds never go broody as a rule, some are prone to become broody. All you can do is wait and see if you end up with a broody.
These are barred rock so they are usually good brooder, I believe. Should I collect the eggs until they try to sit on them? I don't want them to rotten.
Gather the eggs every day......if they are going to go broody, they'll sit on nothing.
If you want to try the 'leave a clutch to trigger broodiness' theory....use heavy solid fake eggs or golf balls.
My suggestion is to let her lay a clutch of eggs. Once she gets several in her nest she hopefully will start sitting on them. Does she have her own nest box? We just put a hen in a dog carrier with straw and 5 eggs on Friday. Saturday she laid another egg and pushed out 3 of the other eggs of which 2 were white and the other a large brown egg. She is now staying on the eggs and let out once a day to exercise. She is in a BIG dog carrier and feed and water in with her. I have too many other chickens and they would chase her off of the nest boxes prior to putting her in the carrier. Might have to do the same for a few more hens.

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