how to get grass to grow in the run?

There is no room in our front yard for a tractor, even a small one. The run we have now is as big as we can go, we still have to build our rabbit's hutch out there. Our front yard is VERY small and when you factor in kids toys, it's even smaller. LOL

Thanks for the idea though.
We have done that too. It works well. However, not much hope for a real grass floor, I'm afraid. You could try putting fall leaves in the run, or weeds you've pulled, just for a little diversity.
We have a big field in front of our pole barn and every year we seed it with pasture seed. What I have been doing is harvesting parts of it on a daily basis and throwing it into the runs for them. It sounds as though you have limited space so maybe you could plant a couple of large planters with wheat grass, pet grass or something.. just cut the tops off and allow it to continue growing... it grows fast so it can be replanted if needed. Do you have trees? My chickens LOVE maple leaves. When I trim the branches on my trees I give them to the chickens and they pick them bare... I have become creative.. there is a lot of yard waste that can become chicken salads. Check with local grocery stores... they may be willing to give you cabbage ends, and greens that are past their expiration dates. Just a few things I have done ... good luck!
I've bought a few galvanized pans that are probably about 12-16 inchs round and maybe 2-3 inches tall. We punched holes in the bottoms for drainage and made sure there were no sharp edges. I fill that with dirt or compost and plant grass seeds on top of that and water it in. I keep it on the back deck so I can make sure it gets the proper sunlight and water while it's germinating and growing. Once the grass/wheat gets a few inches tall I bring the pan into the pen and let the girls have it. It takes maybe 20 minutes for it to be completely destroyed but boy do they have fun doing it. You can easily replace the seed and keep making them a treat. I have a few pots and just keep them in the rotaton.
You just solved your own problem with the sod!

Since you're digging up your yard anyway, just cut sod from your lawn and use it for a salad bar. This way there is no need to buy harmful fungus-sod.

That is what I figured about the sod.

Right now we don't even have dandelines to pull up, I have no idea why?? Last year we couldn't get rid of them, now there are none. We will actually be digging up our whole front yard soon to try to even it out, so there won't be any grass at all for a bit. We will use straw and seed to get it back, but that may take a while. Our back yard already has a HUGE hole/trench so there is not much grass or anything else back there right now either.

Can they have grass clippings? What about Kudzu vine or periwinkle vine. I was told that periwinkle is bad for goats, just wonder about chickens. We have PLENTY of it thanks to my mother-in-law.
I am doing a lot of container gardening this year, so I will give the wheat grass a try. We don't have any trees, the kudzu killed the only 2 we had so they had to be cut down about 3 years ago. We do have one store that will give cabbage leaves and such, but you have to be there at a certain time/day to get it. Sometimes I can get some overripe produces for under a $1.00. I will keep a check on those things, thanks.
That is what I figured about the sod.

Right now we don't even have dandelines to pull up, I have no idea why?? Last year we couldn't get rid of them, now there are none. We will actually be digging up our whole front yard soon to try to even it out, so there won't be any grass at all for a bit. We will use straw and seed to get it back, but that may take a while. Our back yard already has a HUGE hole/trench so there is not much grass or anything else back there right now either.

Can they have grass clippings? What about Kudzu vine or periwinkle vine. I was told that periwinkle is bad for goats, just wonder about chickens. We have PLENTY of it thanks to my mother-in-law.

But there is nothing even growing, it's just bare ground in most spots, we have a few spots that grow pretty good, hubby just cut it before I could get to it.
Where did you buy these pans and what did they cost?

I have been looking all over for something similar so I can turn over a paint bucket and make an auto waterer.
the chickens walk/peck it bare & sour the ground with their poop. That's what makes chicken tractors such a great idea - it allows the ground to "rest". I hope to make a movable coop this year- even tho my chickens free range EVERY day nearly ALL day - we have NOTHING in our run either
I figure if I can do a movable coop during the summer and use the permanent coop (with run) in winter my run should recover. I remember reading on a thread on BYC somewhere where someone was talking about how people rotate their crops in the garden sometimes every year - yet the run needs rest for some of the same reasons.... I love some of the ideas on this thread tho - thanx for posting! ...(salad bar is so cute - and we always do the trays of grass for tabletops at easter time - don't know why i never thought to do it for chickens ...)

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