How to get hawk away from backyard?!?

Hawks are protected, you kill one- HUGE fines and maybe more. it's not worth it.
I don't know where op lives but here in Michigan that is a $1500 fine, per bird. nope..I'm good...I'll just keep my chickens in a tractor.

In ND you are allow to protect your livestock AND there is always the 3 S's --shoot , shovel, shut up
Since we are dealing with a Federal Case here there are certain things that you should never ever do.

Under no circumstances should you confine a young pullet or perhaps a white pigeon to a wire cage with food, shelter, and water, and then wire and set 3 or 4 small steel traps on top of and around said cage. And what ever you do, don't do this in public view. This is against the law so just don't do it, you may illegally restrain or harass a lovely, freeflying, beautiful, chicken hawk and make him or her late or even actually miss an important appointment.

Also never set your steel traps on a tall fence post. You would be more likely to catch a raptor instead of fox or coon and get yourself in trouble.
Google "pole traps" to see what to not do.
I've heard that stringing twine or bailing wire zig zaggy all over the yard works, I don't know, Im a new chicken mama starting Saturday. So I can't verify this.

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