How to get rid of skunk on the dogs???

I found this recipe on the internet years ago after my min pin came inside reeking of skunk juice in the wee hours of the morning and it works well, very well.

I mix mine in a plastic pitcher and use a wash cloth to drizzle it on my dog, be sure not to get it in their eyes, work it into their coat and then rinse thoroughly. I have had to use this a couple of times and keep a fresh bottle of hydrogen peroxide and baking soda on hand at all times.

Now if I could find something to get rid of the smell inside the house that would be even better!

this is also what i used on my Malamute
Forget about tomato juice.

My dogs love to play with skunks, and we have had to use the peroxide solution several times. The smell doesn't disappear, but it works pretty well.

Good luck!
Whew! 2 fun (not) baths later with baking soda, peroxide, and dish soap hopefully we got most of the stench. But yes, we can still smell it around the house

Hoping some Febreeze helps a little

Thanks you guys for all your ideas and recipes. I'm sure we'll be doing something more tomorrow as a second course of action.
When we moved to our nice farm in the country, there was a family of skunks living in the granary and another under a big elm tree where the old pasture was. Our Chow/Doby mix got hit at least 20 times that first summer. He was an indoor dog. Imagine the wonderful aroma. He would go out and night and get them stirred up, they would chase him to the back steps and spray him at the door. At first, that was the most foul smell I could imagine. I hate to admit, but it doesn't really bother me any more. We now have two Standard Poodles and they got hit last summer.
This mix does take out about 95% of the stench if used properly and left on for at least 5 minutes. I like to use an empty dish detergent bottle to apply this, that way I get it everywhere. I use one to shampoo them too, I just put a couple of tablespoons of shampoo in and dilute, that way you don't get too much on them and it rinses out easier. The biggest problem with skin dryness in dogs is over-shampooing and poor rinsing.

As a side to this, our old dog one night came in and barfed on the carpet after licking at the skunk spray on his coat. At 10:30 at night, when my husband was on the road and I was here with two toddlers, I was ripping out carpeting off the stairs to get the stench out of the carpet. It was a good thing the carpet was old and I hated it in the first place.
Mix 1/2 cup of baking soda
8 oz. hydrogen peroxide
1/4 cup liquid dish detergent in a jug or half gallon bottle. put in a squeeze bottle or pour on if you need to. Cover the whole dog with this stuff. Let it sit on them for 5 minutes. Then rinse.
While it is on the dog, rub it in really good.

X2 This is the only one that works! Use Dawn, none of the softer stuff, that is what cuts the oil of skunking! I would also wear gloves, the hydrogen peroxide is a little bit hard on the hands.
Ohh! Forget tomato juice! That so doesn't work!!!
If you don't have that, the Nature's Miracle deskunker works really well also, we used it the following couple of days.

Nothing really gets all of it out except... time! Like what was mentioned, about 95% of the smell comes out.

Imagine my joy of having out lovely BYD (stand for Big Yeller Dog) skunked the day before our wedding reception!!!!
Such a brilliant labrador retriever!​
I read somewhere on the internet that you should wait several hours after the skunk sprays before you start your anti-smell campaign. (Make them cool their heels outside ) I waited; combined hydrogen peroxide, baking soda and shampoo. Rubbed it into her for a good 10 minutes before rinsing.. Worked great. She slept on our bed that night - and we're talking about a long haired golden retriever.
I did call the vet because I had heard that it could affect their eyesight, but the vet said no.

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