How to handle?


In the Brooder
5 Years
Jul 22, 2014
Brooktrails CA
I took my daughter to the local feed store and let her pick 6 one week old chicks marked as silkies for her 4H project. Well, 4 weeks later looks like we have two Wyandotte hens, two old English game bantam roos, and only two actual silkies.
I called the store telling them the problem. They were super nice but "Sorry, but too bad for you" was their answer.
Does anyone else have experience with this? How was is handled? I really have no use for the non silkie chickens, still need four silkies, and it looks like I can't get them until spring. :/
The reason they don't have much to do with it, is that it's the hatchery's issue, not the feed store. Around where I live, Oklahoma, they use Ideal Hatchery at most feed/country stores. They order the chicks labeled, among others: Pullets, Banded Pullets, Assorted Heavies, Assorted Bantams, etc. I usually always get pullets, and these are "supposed" to be hens when fully grown. But, last spring I ended up with 3 roos out of 8 so-called "Pullets".
I also got a bantam once out of a "Standard Heavies" bin. The problem begins with the hatchery packaging them incorrectly, then the feed store just puts them out on display. If you track down the hatchery and contact them, they may help you, but don't count on it, especially if its a large commercial hatchery. If you aren't planning on keeping them, then I would find them a good home pretty soon. My advice is next time around go through a silky breeder. You can order hatching eggs and chicks on BYC just about any time. Or through a breeder outside of BYC. Also, breeders are going to give you chicks that will grow into full grown hens and roos with great conformation, way better than feed store chicks usually.
I was in 4H in high school. Sheep and chickens for me.
This is all just my two cents worth. I hope your daughter gets her silkies and does well this coming show season.
x2. Feed store chicks are cheap, for a all the reasons mentioned above. Pet stores don't sell show quality puppies, and feed stores just sell___chicks___ whatever they turn out to be. Ordering directly from a breeder with a good reputation, or even from the hatchery directly, will give you a better outcome. Mary
Thanks so much that is very frustrating but makes sense.
Thanks Mary for your thoughts as well. I don't want to invest too much as this is her first 4H year. If she truly gets into it I'll definitely be looking into quality show birds bred for showing for next year. Also a great idea to check with our very own BYC members.
This is our very first year raising chickens and we have absolutely no experience. I feel like we're very much just muddling through and learning as we go. BYC has been so helpful.
Wyandottes are traditionally a pretty quiet, docile breed, so those hens could still be good birds for your daughter. The game roosters may be a little assertive for a child who's not comfortable with being dominant to animals, so you might look into re-homing them.

When you're going to buy any specific breed of animal, do your due diligence first. Silkies are pretty distinctive from other breeds of chicks, even in a mixed breed bin. They have specific characteristics other birds won't have altogether--five toed, crests, beards, black skin, feathered legs. With good research you can avoid this particular mix-up in the future. Never, ever count on the feed store guy to guide you correct in the breed of the chicks! Murray McMurray hatchery has great pictures and videos of most of their breeds of chicks, and cruising that or another hatchery's site can help you recognize the breed you're wanting.
Thank you donrae! We've decided to keep the Wyandottes and add them to the existing flock and sell eggs. The two silkies are feathering out nicely and looking pretty good so I think they'll do for our first time in out tiny county fair. I checked out Murray McMurray- definitely will be looking to them for any more additions.

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