how to identify a broody hen! Besides sitting on the nest for extended time

These are my go-to signs of a broody.
(I've had so many of them I can detect that ticking before they start sitting.)
Is she on nest most the day and all night?
When you pull her out of nest and put her on the ground, does she flatten right back out into a fluffy screeching pancake?
Does she walk around making a low cluckcluckcluckcluckcluck(ticking bomb) sound on her way back to the nest?
Read this.
Here is an EXTREMELY broody broody...
Dobie Lover, Wow. You covered every detail and the pics included. Awesome. Thank you for all that. I have a feeling i will be revisiting that writeup. Anyway, your pic named "keeping the kids warm on a cold day" made me laugh..... and cry! omg It was a wonderful moment. so precious and everyone in your flock is thriving and it shows. Thank you for being you and what you do here on BYC. i still cant get over that pic.....It should be in EVERY calender moving forward.

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