How to identify if a rooster had a heat stroke.


Mar 9, 2021
Proctor, WV
I've never had an issue with heat stress or heat stroke, personally, yet. I was checking on my brothers flock and noticed his rooster, Benjamin, wasnt roosting and laying in the feed pan. His comb was almost white and his one eye he wont open the inner eye lid. We scooped him up and got some electrolytes and probiotics in him. His poop was yellow, bubbly, and watery. This was on Friday when I found him. He drank a good amount and was able to stand. On Saturday and Sunday my brother said his poop started to become a little more normal and he started walking around a little. They had to leave for a competition and he seems to be moving around a little but his comb is still a lighter shade of pink and his one eye still wont open. I've been making sure he has plenty of fresh water. Is there anything else I can do? Could he have had a heat stroke and the left side, where his eye wont open be paralyzed from the stroke? I checked his eye a little to make sure he didnt have anything in it and didnt see anything. Any suggestions and advice are welcome. Thank you!


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You could flush his eye with some saline eye wash or eye drops in case something is stuck in his eye. Does he have any respiratory symptoms? He looks weak or sick. Imwould continue offering electrolytes or sugar water, some wet feed, and scrambled egg. Place a large flat pan of water half full in his area to cool his legs on hot days. Treating him for worms and coccidiosis might be something to do as well.
You could flush his eye with some saline eye wash or eye drops in case something is stuck in his eye. Does he have any respiratory symptoms? He looks weak or sick. Imwould continue offering electrolytes or sugar water, some wet feed, and scrambled egg. Place a large flat pan of water half full in his area to cool his legs on hot days. Treating him for worms and coccidiosis might be something to do as well.
Thank you! I have some saline wash on hand I will try. He doesnt seem to have any respiratory symptoms. My brother said he thinks its from heat and stress. Wednesday it was super hot and then Wednesday night a predator tried to dig into their run so Benjamin was up almost all night and then Thursday was another really hot day and he was still on high alert when he put them in Thursday night and then Friday was hot too. He thinks he just is exhausted from the predator plus on top of it the heat got to him. He isnt my rooster so Im only going off what I see and what they explained. I'm just hoping he gets better so they can enjoy my nephew and nieces dance competition. They all love this rooster and keep checking in on him

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