How to identify roosters in the Easter Eggs chilckens?


9 Years
Jun 3, 2010
I purchased about a dozen 'Easter egg" chicks last Spring.
They are beautiful birds. I think I have a lot of roosters!
I understand you can identify the roosters by the "spurs" on their legs.
these birds ALL have tiny spurs or bumps on their legs and I think the
hens do as well as the roosters. Is this common for this breed of chicken and
are there other breeds that have the same small "spurs" on both male
and female?????????????? OR perhaps they are not old enough yet
to tell the difference??????????
All chickens have little bumps there when they are young. I remember someone on here compared them to nipples in humans; they are apparent in both sexes

How old are your birds? By 12-15 weeks you should start seeing pointy saddle feathers emerge near the base of the tail. These are the long stringy feathers that are a new fashion trend in women's hair accessories. With my luck, my roos are crowing well before they get these feathers though.

If you are unsure you can always post pics in the What Breed or Gender section of the forum and we'd all be happy to help you.
Pics would help

Roosters would have redder combs, hackle and saddle feathers, taller stance, sometimes braver and more aggressive. EE's are notoriously difficult to sex though
Both hens and roosters have spurs, but most hens' spurs are practically not there.

Easter Eggers are most well known for being color sexable once old enough due to the common occurrence of duckwing-based EE colors out there, however, for a new owner the two easiest things are looking for the bigger and redder comb or posting pictures and asking in the "What breed/gender" section

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