How to integrate?


Premium Feather Member
Nov 7, 2022
I have a group of nine 7 week old chicks that I need to integrate into the adult coop. One of the hens doesn’t like chicks AT ALL and the roo doesn't seem to like them either.

On that last point they'll just have to deal, but it applies.

The chicks have been in the secure run since they were two weeks old. All have been free ranging together (in a sense, the chicks don't go far from the run) since 4 weeks.

Unfortunately something big is trying to tear into the run during the night. Can't get through the cattle panels, but the holes are appearing at about 4 feet high. Someday something is going to get through one of those holes before I catch it.

So I need the chicks in the adult coop at night. I was going to move them last night but the one chick I tried screamed and fought, got away from me, but couldn't go anywhere because he couldn't see.

Shall I close up the run during the day or leave it open? Put the rooster in the bachelor pad or let them all integrate together? Put them on the roost, or give them their familiar shelter inside the coop?
You mention a familiar shelter you can place in the coop. I don't know your set up, but is there a way to make it so the littles can go in and out of the shelter, but the bigs can't? That would be the ideal.
It's just a crate that I set up for shelter at night, since they still needed heat when I moved them out there. They won't all fit any more, but they still try. I just thought it would be familiar and might help them be willing to sleep in the coop.

There are lots of places where they can run and hide, during the day. No problem that way.
How much roost space is there, is there plenty of extra room or a roost that the adults don't use?

Personally I'd do the crate in the coop, to try and home them to the coop itself. Once I close up the brooder I use a rat cage in the coop for a few days, and when the chicks are ready they'll move themselves into the coop and onto the roost.
Thanks. Should be plenty of roosting space. Four 5-foot roosting bars, + 1 set off to the side. Currently 6 adults.

I moved their crate into the coop yesterday and moved them to it by hand well after dark. We'll see.

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