how to isolate a bully?


9 Years
Apr 20, 2015
corpus christi, tx 78413
I have a bully that needs serious corrective action...

she is the largest and bossiest girl in the flock. Basically the "rooster". I have 3-4 birds with lots of feathers missing...she is picking on several of the flock.

The "standard" method I've seen talked about is isolation from the flock for a period of time and then bring them back, supposedly at the bottom of the pecking order.

What level of isolation is needed. Total or just physically separated? I have limited space to work with. I was able to get a used 10x10 dog kennel to keep her contained in. but the flock can walk all around the kennel so there is interaction of some type. Do I need to tarp the kennel so they can't see each other? I don't really have an easy way to move the kennel to the other side of the yard.

How long is needed to re-set the pecking order? What is to keep her from taking back over again? She is physically the biggest in the group.
We had the same problem in the past with one of our Black Stars. She had a separate cage in the run with food, water, and a roosting bar. 2-3 days was all it took for ours, but it depends on the chicken. She might work her way back up, but that should take a while. Hope this helps!
How long is needed to re-set the pecking order? What is to keep her from taking back over again?
Bullying is not really about pecking order...sometimes a bird is just very aggressive.
Could just be their nature or they might not adapt to confinement well.
Space is the first thing to look at, IMO.
Need more inf about...
-your flock size(numbers, ages, genders),
-your coop(size in feet by feet with pics),
-and what and how exactly you are feeding,
might offer clues to if there is a solvable problem.

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