How to keep a cockerel quiet


7 Years
Jan 28, 2017
Wells Michigan
I have a silver laced cockerel who is verry loud. I am hoping to be able to keep him if i can keep the noise dow he is currently at the state fair for a week. Any ideas on how to keep him quiet when i bring him home?
He's a cockerel - he makes noise, it's what they do.

You can try a "no-crow" collar, but in my experience they only reduce the volume by 50%.
Roosters crow sometimes when something's wrong or he feels his hens are unsafe.

Any animals or predators?
Like dogs or cats (roos think these are a threat)
my dog and cats live in the house and i do have rabbits close by out side but he shouldnt be able to see them and they rarley make any noise
He's a cockerel - he makes noise, it's what they do.

You can try a "no-crow" collar, but in my experience they only reduce the volume by 50%.
I will keep it in mind any less noise is great. Im not suppose to have chickens where i live but have for 5 years and recently got chicks and he is one so any thing that may help im willing to try
I will keep it in mind any less noise is great. Im not suppose to have chickens where i live but have for 5 years and recently got chicks and he is one so any thing that may help im willing to try
Me neither. I grow out a cock bird, breed from him and then eat him. I'd love to be able to keep one, but I prefer not to risk the ire of my neighbours and have to remove the whole flock just because of one bird.
Me neither. I grow out a cock bird, breed from him and then eat him. I'd love to be able to keep one, but I prefer not to risk the ire of my neighbours and have to remove the whole flock just because of one bird.
That seems to be my best option at this point i was trying to avoid eating him but i would rather get rid of him than all my birds. Thanks for the help

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