How to keep chickens safe and happy during coop renovation?


May 8, 2020
We are starting a coop renovation soon to make more room for our 5 chickens. We have our design, but we don't know how we are going to keep our 15 week old chickens happy while one or two of the walls are missing. Also, none of them have started laying yet, but we have two barred rocks that I have heard lay early and I don't want the fact that the coop is torn apart for a week or so mess up their laying?
Here is some pictures of our coop. We are thinking of expanding the coop area out into the "DIY" run and wrap around the built in run (but not cover it completely)
if its possible you could make a temporary coop out of wood scraps or maybe bricks. message back if you want to know a quick way to make a coop out of wood.
If it were me I would probably do 4 pallets and a crap load of hardware clothe and tarp or something for the roof. The pallets and a few branches would make a decent roost. Regardless, good luck with your renovation.
I would leave them in place and be slow during the remodel taking care not to startle them. If job not complete in a day, then be sure to close up for the night or move birds to a secure location. Your run as shown will be easy for raccoons to get into.

If you have the means, then purchase a game camera to see who is visiting so you can make further adjustments as needed.

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