How to keep my hens from fighting each other

Flock Master64

Jul 24, 2016
Surrounded by the Amish
Help!!!!! I have four hens and they won't stop pecking one another. One White Leghorn and three Amber Links. My Leghorn (What's Up)and one of my Amber Links (Jelly Bean or JB) keep picking on the other two. I know this is the way that they establish there pecking order but is there any way to get them to all get along. Also any ideas on how to regrow feathers. Thanks!
If you keep your flock in a run, the minimum space requirement is 10 sqft per bird. Having multiple feed stations can ease food based aggression.

If they are laying, then yes but in a separate feeder so they can eat it when they wish. If they have not started laying, then they do not need additional calcium.

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