How to keep them from roosting in the tree?

Thanks! Pepper is the one my GF is the most attached to...

all the more reason to make sure Pepper is safely snuggled in at nite! nothing sadder than a girl crying over a dead chicken
all the more reason to make sure Pepper is safely snuggled in at nite! nothing sadder than a girl crying over a dead chicken

Already happened once. We got back late and a coyote got into the coop and killed 6 of 9 chickens. I had to kill #7 because it was soooo tore up. It was her favorite because she teaches autistic kids and this chicken was the outcast of the group. All the other chickens would hang out together and this one would be outside the fence all by itself pecking and scratching.

I actually just posted in another thread about shutting the coop in regards to someone saying "be ready for some dead chickens"...

"+1 Been there and done that.

Ask my GF what a crazy person I looked like when I ran inside using every cuss word in the book simultaneously and grabbing a rifle.


I have had all my chickens in the coop for 6 days now. I've only let them out a few times right at dusk to make sure they learn to go back in the coop.

All of them have learned except Pepper! She still try's to roost in the tree even when I'm watching her! I havent let her make it up there but she's still trying. I've even been using treats to get everyone back in the coop.

I starting to think I cant stop Pepper from roosting in the tree.

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