How to Make a Water Wiggler! **Pics**

Oh, on the thermometers -- yeah. I still worry about that too, although in my case a huge part of the problem is the fact that it's a still-air incubator so temperatures fluctuate a lot from one area to another. Literally half an inch difference up or down can give very different readings.

As far as accuracy goes, do you have anything you can test them against? That's the only thing I can think of, to compare their readings to something you *know* is accurate... Good luck! And a warning: this stuff is addictive. I've only had chickens three months and I'm already hatching out more
Although on the other hand -- last month? $12 in feed, 12 dozen eggs. And they're WAAAY better than the store-bought ones!
Cluck-cluck, your avatar is from my son's favorite book! Okay, his favorite book when he was four... hee! I can't count how many times I read that to him .

And you're very welcome
I'm just intensely glad this forum has a search engine! There's all kinds of great info here if you dig around a little...
LOL, I remember when I was little, I'd ALWAYS lose my mom in the grocery store, sometimes realizing I'd been following some strange lady with a similar hairdo etc... around for who knows how long? I'd get into a panic, and eventually she found me but wasn't worried.... wondered why I was making such a fuss. those were different times.... I really related to that book, and it so fits in here at BYC :D

After using this water wiggler, I found my digital is pretty right on ;P So it was a huge help! I'm now incubating Trader Joe eggs as a test run. Will get some little bantams after September 15, when I'm back from vacatio
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Hee! That's so wonderful! The bantams, not losing your Mom
Although it makes a great story, it must have been terrifying at the time! I've got eggs hatching, too. Oh my gosh, I just realized, you mean Trader Joe's, the big organic grocery chain. What a great idea! I'm experimenting with my little backyardigans -- mostly assorted Rocks with a Cuckoo Marans roo.
Well, the home made water wiggler really helped me out. I was a little worried that my fan, which is only 5v and very light, is indeed moving the air around the 'bator, and that my digital thermometer is quite accurate (and the analog one NOT)
So I'm happy to have something I can use.

Ugh! I have all three of my kids with autism or aspergers, which is also autism really... and realized that's how I am as well. LOL, explains a lot about my confusion as a kid! (btw, all my kids are doing very well, better than most "normal" kids ;) ) LOL. But it sure woulda helped if someone could have explained the world to me like we do with our kids,
I think I would have faired much better

Just got a Farm Innovators Circulated Air Incubator and can't wait to get going on our first hatch. We are going to collect our eggs for the next week to get going. Wish I found this board sooner! Love the wiggler idea! I ended up with an indoor/outdoor thermometer, it doesn't have a "probe" but a cord that is meant to go out a window with a sensor at the end. It has an adhesive tape (as to stick outside your window). Do you think the wiggler would work with this end piece in it? I would guess so but looking for another opinion? Thanks!!
Has any one compared the water wiggle (digital) thermometer to one of those egg shaped thermometers? Wondering how close it is. I haven't seen anyone say if you should go by the water wiggle temp or air temp? Anyone ?
Has any one compared the water wiggle (digital) thermometer to one of those egg shaped thermometers? Wondering how close it is. I haven't seen anyone say if you should go by the water wiggle temp or air temp? Anyone ?

I think they have been saying to go by the temp in the water wiggle because it is closest to the temp inside the eggs.

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