How to Make a Water Wiggler! **Pics**

nice!!!! and very creative!!!! never would have thought of it....and we also put little toys or glitter in it to see them move around???

Im a grandmother...thinking kids come on ladies!!!!
I hate to dig up bones here, but what's how important is it to have have a "water wiggler" during the incubation process? ......... Don't really know the benefit ......

Please 'scuse me ........ I'm completely ignorant on this, but sooooo anxious to learn
The water wiggler is supposed to give you a more accurate idea of the temp inside the eggs instead of the air temp in the bator.
I don't have one but I might try this it to see if it shows any different reading than my other 2 thermometers.
After reading the how to directions I got to thinking you could use the vacume sealer and cut a longer bag and fill, seal, fill,seal... to make bladders so it bends/rolls up. How large does the home made wiggler really need to be to give an internal egg temp?
I like using one. I have more confidence in the temp of the incubator if I use a water wiggler. I do make my own, though, using zip lock bag, like the OP, but I don't use quite as many as she did.

Tip for getting the air out -- stick a straw in the corner of the opening. Zip the bag closed up to the straw. Suck. Remove straw quickly and zip bag the rest of the way. Voila! Vacuum-packed water
I couldn't have seen this thread at a better time! It's so hot outside and while doing my errands, I forgot to stop by the dollar store to see if they had any water wigglers! I decided to forget about it and stay in the house now instead! LOL. Now I see there is an even better solution here on byc as usual!

o.k I tried this now I'm confused. Both my air temp thermometers read 99.5 but the one I have in the water wiggler reads 100.4?? Which one do I go by

I know these are old quotes, but want to bring the question back up again. I am on a shoe string, and wouldn't even attempt raising chickens at the moment if I didn't have a ton of wood laying around waiting to be made into a coup and my DH's surprising support for the project. So therefore I have a gathering of cheap thermostats, none of which read the same, that I don't trust. I'm planning on using an old fashioned medical thermostat to trust, so as in the above quote, do you think it'll be accurate?. I can also do digital medical, but was going to leave the other one wrapped up inside the home made wiggler....

BTW: I tried taking temperatures of water in a small saki (ceramic) cup but found it kept the water very cool so it just does not work! I have no idea if glass would work better, but I'm not gonna bother trying as this system will obviously be far superior.

So simply... yet, I had pondered how to make one for a while... duh! /img/smilies/lau.gif/img/smilies/lau.gif  /img/smilies/idunno.gif

Thanks for helping all us "dumbies"


I so agree with you!

Tip for getting the air out -- stick a straw in the corner of the opening. Zip the bag closed up to the straw. Suck. Remove straw quickly and zip bag the rest of the way. Voila! Vacuum-packed water :)

Great idea, I do that for cake and muffins I bake when I deep freeze them!

Plus, cluckitall, I'm eternally grateful that you bumped this thread up where I could see it! Thank you!!!
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Cluck-cluck, your avatar is from my son's favorite book! Okay, his favorite book when he was four... hee! I can't count how many times I read that to him .

And you're very welcome
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