How to make money from chickens?

The simple answer is no.

You can do things like sell their eggs, sell hatching eggs, etc, but you most likely won’t make back all the money you have to spend maintaining their coop and run, feeding them, etc.

If your looking for animals you could make money of I’d recommend something like bees. In the short run they are going to cost you a bit of money, but in the long run they are far more likely to pay themselves off compared to chickens.

Before doing things like selling honey, eggs, etc, you should read the law for your local area and make sure you don’t need any kind of food handling license.
Me to I just keep them as a pet and enjoy watching them a lot I was just asking because I just wanted to see if I could make money off of them because I really enjoy them
My chickens cover their feed costs for sure. I was able to build my coop without a second mortgage by recycling lumber and a door and window. It’s the time spent tending them that remains not so well paid. It’s the difference between having a small flock of several hens that still require time and infrastructure versus a money making enterprise that uses hundreds or thousands of birds to cover all the costs. As long as feed costs are covered and I have the benefits of chicken manure and foraging cultivation in my garden I am real happy.

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